Pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 153 of Law no. March, 15.
In this sense, the Municipality of Montijo warns the owners, tenants or usufructuaries that they must comply with the legislation in force. Failure to carry out the aforementioned works constitutes an offense punishable by fines.
The State, Municipalities and Citizens are responsible for implementing preventive measures to defend the forest against fires.
Correct and timely fuel management is an essential element in minimizing the risk of fire. Prevention of forest fires must be practiced in a timely manner.
For further clarifications, contact the Intermunicipal Forestry Technical Office of Montijo and Alcochete via telephone 21 232 77 20 or email gtfmontijoalcochete@mun-montijo.pt
Portugal without fireworks depends on all of us! Design your forest!
More information in Notice No. 20
Source: https://www.mun-montijo.pt/frontoffice/pages/814?news_id=2912